Erasmus i Madrid!

30 things Erasmus students in Madrid don't say


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Hittade den här texten idag och insåg hur rätt det är på alla punkter. Man kommer sent utan att bry sig ett enda dugg, man skrattar åt namnet på det roliga Vodafone-torget som nyligen ändrat namn och som påverkar alla metros och tåg, man tittar konstigt på dom som säljer knasiga hattar och småfigurer på stan, man bor absolut inte i Salamanca-prettoområdet, på metron tjatar dom mycket om att stationen ligger i kurva.. läs dom, och fundera på kulturskillnader...

I dare you to claim that you have ever said any of these sentences.

  1. "I'm so glad that I have the Erasmus grant to help me cover my book expenses. Who knew that La conquista islámica de la Península ibérica would be so expensive?"
  2. "Don't worry if you have any issues with matriculating, the Erasmus office is very conveniently open most of the week anyways".
  3. "I love it that Puerta del Sol has been renamed Vodafone Sol. It gives such a special identity to the place".
  4. "It's so great living in the Salamanca area".
  5. "I live on my own. In the Salamanca area".
  6. "Oooh, that guy is selling cowboy hats and flashing headgears, I WANT".
  7. "I look really Spanish in my blond hair and blue eyes".
  8. "I'd never realized that some of Madrid's estaciones were in curva".
  9. "No, I don't have a picture of me looking good next to the bear in Sol, why?"
  10. "It's Wednesday! Yay! It's time for a salsa class with ESN at La Lupe!"
  11. "I never, ever, drink on the streets. Police are so strict about it".
  12. "Hurry up! We're going to be late for class or practice!"
  13. "This post in capital letters on the Erasmus Facebook group that asks if I am "ARRIVE IN MADRID" and enquires whether or not I am "STILL LOOKING FLAT" looks super reliable. I'll message this person immediately".
  14. "No, I'm not taking my visiting friends to the rowing boats in Retiro".
  15. "Yes, I used the break for Semana Santa to catch up with work from school".

  16. "Wow it's 23:00 already, we better get a taxi out soon, so we arrive before 2 am!"
  17. "It's fine for pedestrians to cross when the light is red, driving is pretty casual around here".
  18. "Who is Santiago Bernabeu?"
  19. "Kapital let me in for 12€ yesterday night because I spoke Spanish like a native".
  20. "How far have you gotten in the reading list?"
  21. "Of course I check my home university email once a week, they recommended that we did last year, didn't they?"
  22. "I'm totally confident and funny when I go out with my Spanish friends".
  23. "And I never pretend to laugh at said Spanish friends' private Spanish jokes".
  24. "What does vale mean again?"
  25. "What is Don Simon?"
  26. "What is Mahou?"
  27. "What is Cien Montaditos?"
  28. "Churros with what?"
  29. "I don't complain when I order a drink in a bar in my native country and it comes without food".
  30. "I've been working so hard in school this year!"

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